

# Depressants Alcohol Tranquilizers Sedative/Hypnotics
1 Narcotic Analgesics Opium,Heroin/Brown Sugar,Morphine Analgesics,Pemtazocine,Buprenor, Cannabis
2 Cannabis Ganja, Hash, heroin drugs, Bhang
3 Stimulants Amphetamine, Cocaine
4 Hallucinogens LSD, PCP
5 Substamces not classified Cough Syrup, Anti- Histamine,Anti- Depressant/ Anti-Psychotic and Cholinegis

About Rehabilitation



Depending on the drug in your system,you may need to go through a detoxofication process or "Detox".Medical detox is our highest level of care and involves round the clock medical monitoring of the withdrawal process to ensure for body safety heals from chemical depending.

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Individual Counselling

Patients often do some inner work by indentifying when they began using the substance and why they started abusing it. Patients receive strategies on how they can direct their time to fovus on getting involved in new hobbies or interest. Time management skills are taught to allow patients to better use their timeto they have less opportunity to think about relapse.Patients learn to identify drug use triggers and how to deal with these triggering situations.They are more likely to put their plan into action and avoid relapse

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Family Counselling

We offer family counselling therapy as part of treatment programme.Addiction is for reaching affecting many people not just the one individual with the addiction. Family members are often those who are most deeply affected by their loved one's addiction and they are an important compound of the recovery process for that person.Family members welcomed to participate in family therapy sessions.

During these sessions family members can discuss by their loved one`s addiction and their desire to see that person give a healthy life. Family therapy helps to reslove issues so the family can serve as a pillar of support once their loved one leaves the rehabilitation facility.

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Group Theraphy

Group Therapy sessions allow those recovering from addiction to interact with others who are in the same situation. It is helpful for recovaring to know that they are not alone in their struggle.

Similarly others in the group find solace when these individuals share their own stories of addiction and recovery. The sense of community support is integral to the recovery process.

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Relaxation Therapy

Relaxation therapy helps patients to develop deep breathing rhythms which can calm anxiety,minimize stress and tension and increase lung capacity. It helps patients to let go of negative feelings that can present recovery and creates the of calm and wellbeing which help with individual and group therapy session relaxation therapy is provided each week by one of our therapist. Patients lie on a mat on the floor the sessions begins with deep breathing and light stretching and on to progress must be relaxation and meditation.

  •  Re eduction lecture
  •  Yoga
  •  Spirituality Class

  • Follow Up:
  • Follow up forms on important that of thr treatment and is maintained for a period of three years. Patients are encouraged to meet the doctor and their counselor regularly to seek medical advice and report on their progress.

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